D A Y / / D R E A M I N G

DAY//DREAMING is a group exhibition held in the 840 Gallery in DAAP that featured works by Aspen Barbro, Elise G. Renfrow, Jonathan Stapleton, Karri Durham, Lainey Schwaner, Macartney Greer, Mary Tzotzou, and Trebor Kershaw. The show included works about dreams, and we asked that while attending, viewers would “Bring Your Own Dreams.” The show was open from February 25-March 3, 2019, and included three performances by Lainey Schwaner and Trebor Kershaw.



NIGHTMARE is a piece created by Lainey Schwaner that connects to Trebor Kershaw’s piece in the exhibition. NIGHTMARE, consisting of mixed media sculpture, a book, and performance, works to create a narrative about the way nightmares influence an individual. The book contains a list of descriptions of nightmares from the community, including a nightmare from the artist herself.