the intersection between death & dying

The intersection between death & dying is an ongoing project by Lainey Schwaner, beginning in late 2019 with Grief Study. This project follows a personal exploration of the grieving process and the idea of death, both the death of others or the death of self.

Loss, 2020

Loss is a performance piece about grieving different types of loss. This piece was performed by Lainey Schwaner and Olivia Milliron at PIQUE Gallery in Covington, KY on February 13, 2020 as a part of LAWN, curated by Noel Magathe. The performance of Loss creates a space to grieve different kinds of loss. By holding a ceremony and dedicating time and space for grieving different types of loss, these things that have been lost get to be honored and put to rest.

The piece includes a set of 21 handmade urns created by Lainey, felt hearts, soil, and roses.